Chocolate Soft Serve "Ice Cream"

Ice Cream is by far the most popular dessert in my house. We can eat it every day but I know that would not be good. Recently I have been limiting my daughter's consumption of dairy because when she has more than a bite or so she develops this terrible cough that keeps her (and all of us) up all night. She has been so good about cutting out the dairy, but I know she loves ice cream. I have found a good coconut milk ice cream at Trader Joe's, but there is a good amount of sugar in. This ice cream satisfies that ice cream craving in a much healthier way. Using bananas as a base (first tried here), this is a very creamy frozen treat that is actually good for you so you won't feel bad if you make it very often like we do ;)

This recipe is adapted from this recipe from Detoxinista.

3 frozen bananas
4 tablespoons raw cacao powder (more or less depending on how chocolatey you like it)
3 tablespoons maple syrup
2-3 tablespoons almond milk (or rice milk or water)

Blend all ingredients in a blender (I use a Vita-Mix). Serve immediately for a soft serve ice cream or freeze for a little to firm up a bit and then serve.

I've never froze this overnight so i'm not sure how hard it will get for longer periods of time in the freezer. It usually doesn't last that long in our house and we never have leftovers!


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