
A chip that is good for you

Once in a while I really get in the mood for a crunchy snack. Being gluten free, that usually means some gluten free pretzels, corn chips or potato chips. I am not a fan of those, because they are mostly empty calories. When I saw these chips for the first time, I was impressed with the nutrition and also the taste. Once my kids started to have them, now that’s all they ask for when they want a crunchy snack. Although my daughter loves beans and would eat them every day, my son doesn't like the texture of beans. He really loved these bean chips though!! The other thing I really love about them, is that they really make you feel full and one serving is more than enough, unlike some chips where even 2 servings leaves you still hungry!

Recently these were also featured on Dr. Oz. Go to Beanitos web site to order or you can find them in local health food stores.

These are also corn free, gluten, wheat and soy free, high fiber, low glycemic, cholesterol and trans fat free, Non-GMO and Kosher and have 4g complete protein!


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