Interview on Probiotics

Interview with Registered Pharmacist John Azzarelli

Anyone who knows me, knows that for years I had been dealing with digestive issues. It wasn't until about 2 years ago, that I really started to find out the things that were causing these issues. The first thing I removed was gluten and that made a world of difference! But, I still wasn't feeling as good as I should be. Then I met John Azzarelli owner of Dr. BWell Naturally in Plainview, NY. He is a Registered Pharmacist and Certified Nutritional Consultant. He is very knowledgeable in many areas of health, particularly Probiotics and Digestion. He had suggested that I had yeast imbalance. I never would have thought that the symptoms I had would be coming from my gut, itchy skin, sinus congestion, headaches, breakouts, and digestive issues. Once I followed his recommended regimen I felt like a new person!! No more headaches and sinus pressure, my itchy skin was relieved and my hair and skin never looked better! I also lost weight and my sugar cravings got better! I recently met with John to discuss Probiotics and Digestion, and I would like to share our discussion with you.

Christine: What symptoms would someone have that would lead you to think they may have yeast imbalance?

John: Some symptoms would be mucous, yeast infections, stomach bloating, itchy skin.

Christine: What affect does a probiotic supplement have on your digestion?

John: A probiotic supplement helps you digest your food better, helps you to absorb nutrients better by creating the right environment to absorb nutrients, helps to activate enzymes and bile from the gallbladder and pancreas to help you digest fiber better.

Christine: Most people assume if they are eating yogurt, they are getting their probiotics, why is this not the case?

John: In a liquid form, probiotics die rapidly. They are fatigued, dying or dead by the time you get them.

Christine: Should babies take probiotics too?

John: Yes, babes born today no longer have the dominating culture that was there 30 years ago, bifidobacterium infantis, so they have more reflux and digestive problems. Babies should take Bifidus.

Christine: There are probiotics that you can buy in the refrigerator or on the shelves of stores, what is the difference and which one do you prefer?

John: Probiotics are stable at room temperature, but you cannot guarantee that they have not been above room temperature during delivery. If they are not delivered on ice to the store, and stored in the refrigerator, the probiotics may no longer be alive.

Christine: How does someone know which probiotic to choose?

John: It depends on their symptoms, if someone has chronic yeast infections they should use live lactobacillus, for general good health and digestion, and to keep the colon healthy they should use bulgaricum, if someone has crohn’s disease or colitis they should use a combination of lactobacillus and bifidus.


  1. Wow, very good interview and I learned a lot. I didn't know that babies need it as well and it's not good to take probiotics in liquid form. Thanks for sharing your interview.

  2. Great post you have shared here about the role of Probiotics in Digestion. Looking to buy digestive enzymes supplement at the best price visit

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  4. Finally found the information regarding probiotics. How do we check as if it is good probiotic or not

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

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